Friday, August 19, 2011

Lime Crime... Why You No Let Me Have You!?

They are mostly known for their bright colors, some what expensive makeup, and their so called
"scams." Well, I don't know how true the scam part is and I really don't care. I have heard allot of good, bad, and ugly things about Lime Crime makeup but being the materialistic teen I am, I choose to ignore the bad and ugly part.
Some of the negative feed back was:
  • It's expensive (true, I am a regular on sale buyer so any "main brand professional makeup" is too expensive for me.)
  • It's way too gooky (not sure how true that is, but I think its something I can deal with, allot of people who made reviews said it was a good makeup)
  • It can fall apart easily due to "cheap" packaging (have to say I love the unicorn lipstick case!)
  • And of course scams scams scams!

Some people who started all the LC drama claimed that Doe Deere (the founder of Lime Crime) was a greedy con artist, her makeup lines are stolen, and the make up if awfully cheap and expensive. Yet, most if not all Youtube video reviews were positive statements with only one to two complaints.

I think their colors are amazing! When I look at the Lime Crime website I see unicorns, glitter, color, makeup and my heart feels like it is going to explode!

The shades of lipstick I really want are "My Beautiful Rocket", "D'Lilac" and "No She Didn't."

Yes, there is eyeshadow to but all of them are loose powders which I tend to dislike. Though the colors of the LC eyeshadow are vivid!

Just to inform you this is not a review, it is simply a statement that I want this makeup very badly.

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